First, and most important, Omni Outliner is a super-flexible tool. Crazy levels of flexibility. It's very much a generic-all-singing-all-dancing information management tool.

It has a broad spectrum of file export alternative formats. Most of which are fine for import into some kind of word processor.

But what if the data is more suitable for a spreadsheet or some more structured environment? What if it was a detailed log or a project outline decorated with a column of budget numbers?

We have two approaches, one is workable, but not great, the other has numerous advantages.

Answer 1: Workable

Sure, you say, that's easy. Export into a Plain Text with Tabs (or HTML or OPML) and then parse the resulting tab-delimited file.

In Python. Piece of cake.

import csv

class Tab_Delim(csv.Dialect):

rdr= csv.reader( source, dialect=Tab_Delim )
column_names= next(rdr)
for row in rdr:
   # Boom. There it is.

That gets us started. But.

Each row is variable length. The number of columns varies with the level of indentation. The good news is that the level of indentation is consistent. Very consistent. Year, Month, Topic, Details in this case.

[When an outline is super consistent, one wonders why a spreadsheet wasn't used.]

Each outline node in the export is prefaced with "- ".

It looks pretty when printed. But it doesn't parse cleanly, since the data moves around.

Further, it turns out that "notes" (blocks of text attached to an outline node, but not part of the outline hierarchy) show up in the last column along with the data items that properly belong in the last column.


The good news is that notes seem to appear on a line by themselves, where the data elements seem to be properly attached to outline nodes. It's still possible to have a "blank" outline node with data in the columns, but that's unlikely.

We have to do some cleanup

Answer 1A: Cleanup In Column 1

We want to transform indented data into proper first-normal form schema with a consistent number of fixed columns. Step 1 is to know the deepest indent. Step 2 is to then fill each row with enough empty columns to normalize the rows.

Each specific outline has a kind of schema that defines the layout of the export file. One of the tab-delimimted columns will be the "outline" column: it will have tabs and leading "-" to show the outline hierarchy. The other columns will be non-outline columns. There may be a notes column and there will be the interesting data columns which are non-notes and non-outline.

In our tab-delimited export, the outline ("Topic") is first. Followed by two data columns. The minimal row size, then will be three columns. As the topics are indented more and more, then the number of columns will appear to grow. To normalize, then, we need to pad, pushing the last two columns of data to the right.

That leads to a multi-part cleanup pipeline. First, figure out how many columns there are.

rows= list( rdr )
width_max= max( len(r) for r in rows )+1

This allows us the following two generator functions to fill each row and strip "-".

def filled( source, width, data_count ):
    """Iterable with each row filled to given width.
    Rightmost {data_count} columns are pushed right to preserve
    their position.
    for r_in in source:
        yield r_in[:-data_count] + ['']*(width-len(r_in)) + r_in[-data_count:]

def cleaned( source ):
    """Iterable with each column cleaned of leading "- "
    def strip_dash( c ):
        return c[2:] if c.startswith('- ') else c

    for row in source:
        yield list( strip_dash(c) for c in row )

That gets us to the following main loop in a conversion function.

for row in cleaned( filled( rows, width_max, len(columns) ) ):
    # Last column may have either a note or column data.
    # If all previous columns empty, it's probably a note, not numeric value.
    if all( len(c)==0 for c in row[:-1] ):
        row[4]= row[-1]
        row[-1]= ''
    yield row

Now we can do some real work with properly normalized data. With overheads, we have an 80-line module that lets us process the outline extract in a simple, civilized CSV-style loop.

The Ick Factor

What's unpleasant about this is that it requires a fair amount of configuration.

The conversion from tab-delim outline to normalized data requires some schema information that's difficult to parameterize.

  1. Which column has the outline.
  2. Are there going to be notes on lines by themselves.

We can deduce how many columns of ancillary data are present, but the order of the columns is a separate piece of logical schema that we can't deduce from the export itself.