Omni Outliner and Content Conversion

First, and most important, Omni Outliner is a super-flexible tool. Crazy levels of flexibility. It's very much a generic-all-singing-all-dancing information management tool.

It has a broad spectrum of file export alternative formats. Most of which are fine for import into some kind of word processor.

But what if the data …

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Data Mapping and Conversion Tools -- Sigh

Yes, ETL is interesting and important.

But creating a home-brewed data mapping and conversion tool isn't interesting or important. Indeed, it's just an attractive nuisance. Sure, it's fun, but it isn't valuable work. The world doesn't need another ETL tool.

The core problem is talking management (and other developers) into …

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Python and Reverse Engineering, Part 5

Python is a top-shelf toolset for creating sample data to do performance testing.

Let's say that you need to validate a data warehouse design, and you need a million facts that join with thousands of dimension entities across a half-dozen dimensions. You'll be generating data for seven different tables, and …

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