Once upon a time, Apple offered iBlog. Then they switched to iWeb. Then they abandoned that market entirely.
That leaves some of us with content in iBlog as well as iWeb. Content we'd like to work with without doing extensive cutting and pasting. Or downloading from a web server. After all, the files are on our computer.
The iWeb files are essentially XML, making them relatively easy to work with. We can reduce the huge, and hugely complex iWeb XML to a simple iterator and use a simple for statement to extract the content.
[Historical note. I wrote a Python script to convert iBlog to RST. It worked reasonably well, all things considered. This is not the first time I've tried to preserve old content from obsolete tools. Sigh.]
Some tools (like SandVox) have a "extract iWeb content" mode. But that's not what we want. We don't want to convert from iWeb to another blog. We want to convert from iWeb to CVS or some other more useful format so we can do some interesting processing, not simple web presentation.
This is a note on how to read iWeb files to get at the content. And further, how to get at XML content in the form of a simple iterator.
Opening The Package
Here's how to overview the package.
path="~/Documents/iWeb/Domain" path_full= os.path.expanduser(path+".sites2") for filename in os.listdir(path_full): name, ext = os.path.splitext( filename ) if ext.lower() in ( ".jpg", ".png", ".mov", ".m4v", ".tiff", ".gif", ".m4a", ".mpg", ".pdf" ): continue print( filename )
This will reveal the files; we only really care about the "index.xml.gz" file since that has the bulk of the content.
with closing( gzip.GzipFile( os.path.join(path_full,"index.xml.gz") ) ) as index: index_doc= xml.parse( index ) index_root= index_doc.getroot()
This gets us the XML version of the blog.
Finding the Pages
We can use the following to thread through the XML. We're looking for a particular "Domain", a "Site" and a particular blog page within that site. The rest of the blog is mostly text. This portion of the blog is more structured.
For some reason, the domain is "Untitled". The site is "Cruising", and the blog page is "Travel 2012-2013". We insert these target names into XPath search strings to locate the relevant content.
search= '{{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}}domain[@{{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sf}}name="{0}"]'.format(domain_name) domain= index_root.find( search ) mdu_uuid_tag= domain.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}metadata/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}MDUUID') mdu_uuid_value= mdu_uuid_tag.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}string').get('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sfa}string') domain_filename= "domain-{0}".format( mdu_uuid_value ) search= './/{{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}}site[@{{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sf}}name="{0}"]'.format(site_name) cruising= domain.find(search) mdu_uuid_tag= cruising.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}metadata/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}MDUUID') mdu_uuid_value= mdu_uuid_tag.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}string').get('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sfa}string') site_filename= "site-{0}".format(mdu_uuid_value) search= '{{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}}site-blog[@{{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sf}}name="{0}"]'.format(site_blog_name) site_nodes= cruising.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}site-nodes') travel= site_nodes.find(search) mdu_uuid_tag= travel.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}metadata/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}MDUUID') mdu_uuid_value= mdu_uuid_tag.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}string').get('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sfa}string') site_blog_filename= "site-blog-{0}".format(mdu_uuid_value)
This will allow us to iterate through the blog entries, called "pages". Each page, it turns out, is stored in a separate XML file with the page details and styles. A lot of styles. We have to assemble the path from the base path, the domain, site, site-blog and site-page names. We'll find an ".xml.gz" file that has the individual blog post.
for site_page in travel.findall('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}series/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}site-page'): mdu_uuid_tag= site_page.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}metadata/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}MDUUID') mdu_uuid_value= mdu_uuid_tag.find('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}string').get('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sfa}string') site_page_filename= "site-page-{0}".format(mdu_uuid_value) blog_path= os.path.join(path_full, domain_filename, site_filename, site_blog_filename, site_page_filename ) with closing( gzip.GzipFile( os.path.join(blog_path,site_page_filename+".xml.gz") ) ) as child: child_doc= xml.parse( child ) child_root= child_doc.getroot() main_layer= child_root.find( '{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}site-page/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}drawables/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/bl}main-layer' )
Once we have access to the page XML document, we can extract the content. At this point, we could define a function which simply yielded the individual site_page tags.
Summary Iterable
The most useful form for the pages is an iterable that yields the date, title and content text. In this case, we're not going to preserve the internal markup, we're just going to extract the text in bulk.
content_map = {} for ds in main_layer.findall( '{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sf}drawable-shape' ): style_name= ds.get('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sf}name') if style_name is None: #xml.dump( ds ) # Never has any content. continue for tb in ds.findall('{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sf}text/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sf}text-storage/{http://developer.apple.com/namespaces/sf}text-body' ): # Simply extract text. Markup is lost. content_map[style_name] = tb.itertext() yield content_map
This works because the text has no useful semantic markup. It's essentially HTML formatting full of span and div tags.
Note that this could be a separate generator function, or it could be merged into the loop that finds the site-page tags. It's unlikely we'd ever have another source of site-page tags. But, it's very like that we'd have another function for extracting the text, date and title from a site-page tag. Therefore, we should package this as a separate generator function. We didn't, however. It's just a big old function named postings_iter().
There are three relevant style names. We're not sure why these are used, but they're completely consistent indicators of the content.
- "generic-datefield-attributes (from archive)"
- "generic-title-attributes (from archive)"
- "generic-body-attributes (from archive)"
These becomes keys of the content_map mapping. The values are iterators over the text.
Processing The Text
Here's an iterator that makes use of the postings_iter() function shown above.
def flatten_posting_iter( postings=postings_iter(path="~/Documents/iWeb/Domain") ): """Minor cleanup to the postings to parse the date and flatten out the title.""" for content_map in postings: date_text= " ".join( content_map['generic-datefield-attributes (from archive)'] ) date= datetime.datetime.strptime( date_text, "%A, %B %d, %Y" ).date() title= " ".join( content_map['generic-title-attributes (from archive)'] ) body= content_map['generic-body-attributes (from archive)'] yield date, title, body
This will parse the dates, compress the title to remove internal markup, but otherwise leave the content untouched.
Now we can use the following kind of loop to examine each posting.
flat_postings=flatten_posting_iter(postings_iter(path="~/Documents/iWeb/Domain")) for date, title, text_iter in sorted(flat_postings): for text in text_iter: # examine the text for important content.
We've sorted the posting into date order. Now we can process the text elements to look for the relevant content.
In this case, we're looking for Lat/Lon coordinates, which have rather complex (but easy to spot) regular expressions. So the "examine" part is a series of RE matches to collect the data points we're looking for.
We'll leave off those application-specific details. We'll leave it at the following outline of the processing.
def fact_iter( flat_postings=flatten_posting_iter(postings_iter(path="~/Documents/iWeb/Domain")) ): for date, title, text_iter in sorted(flat_postings): fact= Fact() for text in text_iter: # examine the text for important content, set attributes of fact if fact.complete(): yield fact fact= Fact()
This iterates through focused data structures that include the requested lat/lon points.
Final Application
The final application function that uses all of these iterators has the following kind of structure.
source= flat_postings=flatten_posting_iter(postings_iter(path="~/Documents/iWeb/Domain")) with open('target.csv', 'w', newlines='') as target: wtr= csv.DictWriter( target, Fact.heading ) wtr.writeheader() for fact in fact_iter( source ): wtr.writerow( fact.as_dict() )
We're simply iterating through the facts and writing them to a CSV file.
We can also simplify the last bit to this.
wtr.writerows( f.as_dict() for f in fact_iter( source ) )
The iWeb XML structure, while bulky and complex, can easily be reduced to a simple iterator. That's why I love Python.