iWeb File Extract and XML Iterators

Once upon a time, Apple offered iBlog. Then they switched to iWeb. Then they abandoned that market entirely.

That leaves some of us with content in iBlog as well as iWeb. Content we'd like to work with without doing extensive cutting and pasting. Or downloading from a web server. After …

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Changing Platforms

iBlog doesn’t work well -- and hasn’t for a while.

I have iWeb as part of my iLife package -- and I use iLife heavily.

Perhaps it’s time to move.

There are some small “howevers” in that.

  • 344 blog entires that I’d like to migrate to iWeb. It …
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iWeb -- not so nice

For techincal blogging (like this) iWeb is weak.

The total MacOSX integration -- pictures, podcast, etc. -- is nice. It's very cool for my travelogues. But for code samples and the kind of customized HTML widgets that are required by Technorati, it's too hard to deal with.

The size of the iWeb …

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