Here's an interesting problem. Implement the split command for mainframe COBOL EBCDIC files with their BDW and RDW headers.

The conventional split can't handle COBOL EBCDIC files because they don't have sensible \n line breaks. Translating an EBCDIC file to ASCII is high-risk because COMP and COMP-3 fields will be trashed by the translation.

If the files include Occurs Depending On, then the FTP transfer should include the RDW/BDW headers. The SITE RDW (or LOCSITE RDW) are essential. It's much faster to include this overhead. Stingray can process files without the headers, but it's slower.

There are two essential Python techniques for building file splitters than involve parsing.

  • The itertools.groupby() function.
  • The with statement.

Along with this, we need an iterator over the underlying records. For example, the stingray.cobol.RECFM subclasses will parse the various mainframe RECFM options and iterate over records or records+RDW headers or blocks (BDW headers plus records with RDW headers.

The itertools.groupby() function can break a record iterator into groups based on some group-by criteria. We can use this to break into sequential batches.

itertools.groupby( enumerate(reader), lambda x: x[0]//batch_size )

This expression will break the iterable, reader, into groups each of which has a size of batch_size records. The last group will have total%batch_size records.

The with statement allows us to make each individual group into a separate context. This assures that each file is properly opened and closed no matter what kinds of exceptions are raised.

Here's a typical script.

import itertools
import stringray.cobol
import collections
import pprint

batch_size= 1000
counts= collections.defaultdict(int)
with open( "some_file.schema", "rb" ) as source:
    reader= stringray.cobol.RECFM_VB( source ).bdw_iter()
    batches= itertools.groupby(enumerate(reader), lambda x: x[0]//batch_size):
    for group, group_iter in batches:
        with open( "some_file_{0}.schema".format(group), "wb" ) as target:
        for id, row in group_iter:
            target.write( row )
            counts['rows'] += 1
            counts[str(group)] += 1
pprint.pprint( dict(counts) )

There are several possible variations on the construction of the reader object.

  • cobol.RECFM_F( source ).record_iter() -- result is RECFM_F.
  • cobol.RECFM_F( source ).rdw_iter() -- result is RECFM_V; RDW's have been added.
  • cobol.RECFM_V( source ).rdw_iter() -- result is RECFM_V; RDW's have been preserved.
  • cobol.RECFM_VB( source ).rdw_iter() -- result is RECFM_V; RDW's have been preserved; BDW's have been discarded.
  • cobol.RECFM_VB( source ).bdw_iter() -- result is RECFM_VB; BDW's and RDW's have been preserved. The batch size is the number of blocks, not the number of records.

This should allow slicing up a massive mainframe file into pieces for parallel processing.