Mocking is essential to unit testing.
It's also annoyingly difficult to get right.
If we aren't 100% perfectly clear on what we're mocking, we will merely canonize any dumb assumptions into mock objects that don't really work. They work in the sense that they don't crash, but they don't properly test the application objects since they repeat some (bad) assumptions.
When there are doubts, it seems like we have to proceed cautiously. And act like we're breaking some of the test-first test-driven-development rules.
Note. We're not really breaking the rules. Some folks, however, will argue that test-driven development means literally every action you take should be driven by tests. Does this include morning coffee or rotating your monitor into portrait mode? Clearly not. What about technical spikes?
Our position is this.
- Set a spike early and often.
- Once you have reason to believe that this crazy thing might work, you can formalize the spike with tests. And mock objects.
- Now you can write the rest of the app by creating tests and fitting code around those tests.
The import part here is not to create mocks until you really understand what you're doing.
Book Examples
Now comes the tricky part: Writing a book.
Clearly every example must have a unit test of some kind. I use doctest heavily for this. Each example is in a doctest test string.
The code for a chapter might look like this.
test_hello_world = ''' >>> print( 'hello world') 'hello world' ''' __test__ = { n:v for n,v in vars().items() if n.startswith('test_') } if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()
We've used the doctest feature that looks for a dictionary assigned to a variable named __test__. The values from this dictionary are tests that get run as if they were docstrings found inside modules, functions, or classes.
This is delightfully simple. Expostulate. Exemplify. Copy and Paste the example into a script for test purposes and Exhibit in the text.
Until we get to external services. And RESTful API requests, and the like. These are right awkward to mock. Mostly because a mocked unittest is singularly uninformative.
Let's say we're writing about making a RESTful API request to The results of the request are very interesting. The mechanics of making the request are an important example of how REST API's work. And how CKAN-powered web sites work in general.
But if we replace urrlib.request with a mock urllib, the unit test amounts to a check that we called urlopen() with the proper parameters. Important for a lot of practical software development, but also uniformative for folks who download the code associated with the book.
It appears that I have four options:
- Grin and bear it. Not all examples have to be wonderfully detailed.
- Stick with the spike version. Don't mock things. The results may vary and some of the tests might fail on the editor's desktop.
- Skip the test.
- Write multiple versions of the test: a "with real internet" version and a "with corporate firewall proxy blockers in place" version that uses mocks and works everywhere.
So far, I've leveraged the first three heavily. The fourth is awkward. We wind up with code like this:
class Test_get_whois(unittest.TestCase): def test_should_get_subprocess(self): subprocess = MagicMock() subprocess.check_output.return_value=b'\nwords\n' with patch.dict('sys.modules', subprocess=subprocess): import subprocess from ch_2_ex_4 import get_whois result= get_whois('') self.assertEquals( result, ['', 'words'] ) subprocess.check_output.assert_called_with(['whois', ''])
This is not a lot of code for enterprise software development purposes. It's a bit weak, in fact, since it only tests the Happy Path.
But for a book example, it seems to be heavy on the mock module and light on the subject of interest.
Indeed, I defy anyone to figure out what the expository value of this is, since it has only 2 lines of relevant code wrapped in 8 lines of boilerplate required to mock a module successfully.
I'm not unhappy with the unitest.mock module in any way. It's great for mocking modules; I think the boilerplate is acceptable considering what kind of a wrenching change we're making to the runtime environment for the unit under test.
This fails at explication.
I'm waffling over how to handle some of these more complex test cases. In the past, I've skipped cases, and used the doctest Ellipsis feature to work through variant outputs. I think I'll continue to do that, since the mocking code seems to be less helpful for the readers, and too focused on purely technical need of proving that all the code is perfectly correct.