Something I forget to think about is the degree of detail or granularity of design patterns. I have my own viewpoint and I often assume that others share it.

Here's a quote from an email describing the PLoP (Pattern Languages of Programs) patterns as quite distinct from the Gang of Four (Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software) patterns.

In the main, the PLoP patterns are less granular than the persnickety GoF "Design Patterns." (Classic GoF, in part, static type binding work-arounds. And you need to talk about a "facade" pattern? Really? Although see Fowler's at it again, coining a ™ term - "fluent API" - for Some Not Egregiously Stupid Practice, to feed to the credulous who have never reflected on what they are doing.)

Cutting through the editorializing, the author is describing two families.

  • GoF patterns that are essentially ways to cope with static type checking in Java and C++.
  • PLoP patterns which are a little more generic and more widely applicable.


"Plug-in Pattern" is a nice example. Enumerates the stuff you kinda know, with qualities / attributes of its proposal, plus application samples / outcomes of applying the pattern. The claims to relevance throughout are reminiscent of the investigation behind Parnas' "Criteria for Decomposing Systems into Modules."

My habit is to assume this is pretty widely known. I assume everyone has wrestled with design patterns large and small and found that some of the GoF apply to Python, but the implementation details will differ. Dramatically.

Look at the Singleton design pattern, for example. The concept is profound. There are times when we want stateful, global, Singleton instances. The Java or C++ technique of a small factory method which returns the one-and-only instance (or creates the one-and-only instance in the rare edge case) is extremely strange in Python. We can implement it. But why?

Module objects in Python are stateful singletons. Rather than invent a Singleton class, we can -- trivially -- just use a module. And we're done. Problem solved. No Code Written.

The email served as a reminder that sometimes people aren't quite so flexible in their understanding of design patterns. I need to cut them some slack and guide them to seeing that there's wiggle room there. The email reminds me that some people feel compelled to either follow the GoF prescription or discard the GoF entirely. The reminder about PLoP and other pattern languages is a helpful reminder to be more flexible.

The point here is that patterns are a concept. Not a law.