Here's how to recognize a Faerie Dust request:

  1. We have identified a problem. It can be with almost anything: scalability, reliability, auditability, any Quality Measure.
  2. We're pursuing a specific technology. Typically, something that has the lowest impact on our architecture.
  3. We can't address anything other than this specific technology variation …
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Fighting Against Over-Engineering

I've been trying to help some folks who have a "search" algorithm that's slow.

They know it's slow -- that's pretty obvious.

They're -- unfortunately -- sure that asyncio will help. That's not an obvious conclusion. It involves no useful research. Indeed, that's a kind of magical thinking. Which leads me to consider …

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Code Kata : "Simple" Database Design

Here's a pretty simple set of use cases for a code-kata database application.

This is largely transactional, not analytical.

It's a simple inventory of ingredients, recipes and locations.


  • 42' sailboat.
  • Lots of places to keep stuff. Lots.

Stuff gets lots or misplaced. It's helpful to marry recipes with ingredients …

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Escaping the Relational Schema Trap

We're struggling with our Relational Schema. We're not alone, of course, everyone struggles with the relational model. The technology imposes difficult limitations and we work around them.

There's kind of a 4-step process through which the relational schema erodes into irrelevance. The concept of a schema is not irrelevant. It's …

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Sagan-esque Data Volumes

About once a week a question shows up on Stack Overflow that involves loading a database with truly epic volumes of data. For example "billions of rows in a single table for a month".

Billions of rows per month is a minimum insert rate of 385 row per second.

Also …

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