I need to rewrite Stingray Reader. This project handles a certain amount of file processing using a schema to assure the Logical Layout is understood. It handles several common Physical Formats:

  • CSV files where the format is extended by the various dialects options.
  • COBOL files in ASCII or EBCDIC.

The project's code can be applied to text files where a regular expression can yield a row-level dictionary object. Web server log files, for example, are in first normal form, but have irregular punctuation that CSV can't handle.

It can also be applied to NDJSON files (see http://ndjson.org or https://jsonlines.org) without too much work. This also means it can be applied to YAML files. I suspect it can also be applied to TOML files as a distinct physical format.

The complication in the Singran Reader is that COBOL files aren't really in first normal form. They can have repeating groups of fields that CSV files don't (generally) have. And the initial data model in the project wasn't really up to handling this cleanly. The repeating group logic was patched in.

Further complicating this particular project was the history of its evolution. It started as a way to grub through hellishly complex CSV files. You know, the files where there are no headings, or the headings are 8 lines long, or the files where there are a lot of lines before the proper headings for the data. It handled all of those not-first-normal-form issues that arise in CSV world.

I didn't (initially) understand JSON Schema (https://json-schema.org) and did not leverage it properly as an intermediate representation for CSV as well as COBOL layouts. It arose as a kind of after-thought. There are a lot of todo's related to applying JSON Schema to the problem.

Recently, I learned about Lowrance USR files. See https://github.com/slott56/navtools in general and https://github.com/slott56/navtools/blob/master/navtools/lowrance_usr.py for details.

It turns out that the USR file could be described, reasonably well, with a Stingray schema. More to the point, it should be describable by a Stingray schema, and the application to extract waypoints or routes should look a lot like a CSV reader.


There are a bunch of things I need to do.

First, and foremost, I need to unwind some of the COBOL field extraction logic. It's a right awful mess because of the way I hacked in OCCURS DEPENDING ON. The USR files also have numerous instances of arrays with a boundary defined by other content of the file. This is a JSON Schema Extension (not a weird COBOL special case) and I need to use proper JSON schema extensions and attribute cross-references.

Of course, the OCCURS DEPENDING ON clauses can nest, leading to quite complex navigation through a dynamically-sized collection of bytes. This is not done terribly well in the current version, and involves leaving little state reminders around to "simplify" some of the coding.

The field extractions for COBOL apply to binary files and should be able to leverage the Python struct module to decode individual fields. We should be able to also extract data from USR files. The schema can be in pure JSON or it can be in Python as an internal data structure. This is a new feature and (in principle) can be applied to a variety of binary files that are in (approximately) first normal form.

(It may also be sensible to extend the struct module to handle some EBCDIC conversions: int, float, packed-decimal, numeric string, and alphanumeric string.)

Once we can handle COBOL and USR file occurs-depending-on with some JSON Schema extensions, we can then work on ways to convert source material (including JSON Schema) to the internal representation of a schema.

  1. CSV headers -> JSON Schema has an API that has worked in the past. The trivial case of first-line-is-degenerate-schema and schema-in-a-separate-file are pleasant. The more complex cases of skip-a-bunch-of-prefix-lines is a bit more complex, but isn't much of a rewrite. This recovers the original feature of handling CSV files in all their various incarnations and dialects with more formally defined schema. It means that CSV with type conversions can be handled.
  2. Parse COBOL DDE -> JSON Schema. The COBOL parser is a bit of a hacky mess. A better lexical scanner would simplify things slightly. Because the field extraction logic will be rebuilt, we'll also have the original feature of being able to directly decode Z/OS EBCDIC files in Python.

This feels ambitious because the original design was so weak.