Behave fixtures totally rock for testing complex applications.

I had been doing them wrong. Doing them right is simpler.


I'm a fan of the Gherkin language for specifying the behavior of software.

Scenario: Works for Me

Given a configuration
When a request is made
Then the response can be evaluated.

I love this.

What I particularly love is the way Behave's steps package provide implementations for the individual steps of the scenario.

The steps can be organized around technical needs, where the features are organized around the user's experience when operating the software.

The Non-Fixture Approach

For a long time, I used the Given step and an after_scenario() function in Behave's environment module to create and destroy fixtures.

Scenario: Test with Mock API

Given a server running on
And the server has the resource requested
When a client makes some random request or other
Then the response is a tidy bit of data the user just loves

The Given step would seed the context with details used to configure a tiny, specialized service built with Python's http.server module. This separate subprocess would provide an appropriate response for this scenario.

The mock server srequired creating a request handling class hierarchy with reusable and extensible choices for the various scenarios and features. Often only one or two paths would be handled, since that's all a scenario needed.

The context parameters were turned into command-line options. The mini server was started by the When step and stopped (eventually) after the scenario.

This was workable. But. Ultimately. Dumb.


Behave has a much, much better way to configure and manage fixtures. This is great for tests that databases or RESTful API servers or other, separate processes to collaborate with.


Scenario: Test with Mock API

Given a server running on
And the server has the resource requested
When a client makes some random request or other
Then the response is a tidy bit of data the user just loves

There's one change to the scenario -- a tag with @fixture. to positively identify a fixture required for this scenario to make sense.

When reviewing the Gherkin with users, the @fixture tag is easy to explain. There are often other tags throughout the scenarios. A @slow tag, for example, might be used for those scenarios that involve throttling or timeouts. A @future tag for those options that aren't required but can be tested to observe development progress. For one project I had a @core tag that recapitulated the examples in the documentation --- these had to work exactly as shown.


The fixture infrastructure has three parts.

  1. Our specific fixture-managing generator function. This will create the fixture, yield something, and then destroy the fixture. This precisely parallels the way pytest fixtures work.
  2. A before_tag() function in the environment to look for the tags and do any setup or logging required.
  3. The fixture itself. This is our specialized test-case server based on http.server. It still uses a configuration file or command-line options -- or both -- to define some behavior required for the scenario.

What happens, then, is this.

  1. The before_tag() function is evaluated for every tag on every step. If a tag starts with "fixture." then, something special needs to be done.
  2. The before_tag() function will evaluate the behave.use_fixture() function to inject our specific fixture-managing generator function into the step processing.
  3. The fixture will be created (and destroyed) as part of the scenario's execution.

(If you need details, see

The mapping from "fixture.this_special_api" to a generator function named this_special_api() is kind of trivial. So trivial that the examples in the Behave documentation suggest you look these up in a map in the simplest possible way.

    "the_mock_server": server_fixture_generator,
    "the_other_server": another_fixture_generator,
    "the_timeout_server": the_timeout_server

def before_tag(context, tag):
    if tag.startswith("fixture."):
        _, name = tag.split('.')
        use_fixture(TAG_IMPLEMENTATIONS[name], context)

There's a use_fixture_by_tag() function that may be considered to be simpler than my example.

Now, we can add fixtures by writing a generator function to create (and destroy) the fixture and adding the new function to the TAG_IMPLEMENTATIONS mapping.

The fixture names are for users who might want to review the scenarios. They're subject to the same kind of negotiation the rest of the Gherkin terminology is. Sometimes, you'll tweak the wording as the user's understanding (and needs) evolve.


When you have serious problems in your test implementation, you'll have tiny cleanup issues.

For example, if your step implementation code is broken, the test can crash without having executed all the steps you anticipated.

This can mean a fixture isn't properly torn down. It's a rare, but annoying thing to happen.

See for some solutions.

I'm a fan of leaving information about the fixture in the context, and using after_scenario() or after_feature() functions to kill long-running process in the rare case that a step failed.

The alternative, using add_cleanup(), is -- perhaps -- nicer, because it relies on a closure that doesn't clutter the context with these little, technical overheads. (I find closures a little awkward to debug, but, debugging is rarely needed for this.)


Yes, this is for a book. Stay tuned. Later this year.