Big Announcement: the 2024.8 version of Unlearning SQL, and the 2024.9 version of Pivot to Python are available from booksellers online. Both are revised and all the code tested with Python 3.12.

Unlearning SQL

This book shows you how to translate essential SQL concepts into the Python language so they can be applied outside the database environment. A database includes features for access controls, persistence, and concurrent updates, none of which may be needed for an extract-transform-load pipeline. This helps restate the SQL design concepts into Python applications that are faster and simpler because they don't rely on a database.

The ideas also apply to data analytic problems where the SQL GROUP-BY is a helpful design pattern. This book provides concrete examples of expressing the concept in Python instead of SQL.

Pivot to Python

This short book covers how to install Python and start mastering the language immediately. It covers some fundamental aspects of the Python programming language and a few important libraries. It will help you develop some core skills and it creates a foundation for pursuing more in-depth books on Python programming.

For some professionals, this may be all the help they need to get started. For skilled beginners, this can help open the door making other books easier to read and understand.