Revised Books Available

Big Announcement: the 2024.8 version of Unlearning SQL, and the 2024.9 version of Pivot to Python are available from booksellers online. Both are revised and all the code tested with Python 3.12.

Unlearning SQL

This book shows you how to translate essential SQL concepts into the Python …

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A NoSQL Conversation

This cropped up recently. It's part of a "replace Mongo with Relational DB" conversation.

I'm going to elide the conversation down to five key points. The three post-hoc nonsensical ideas, and the two real points.

What's (to me) very telling is that someone else published the five reasons in this …

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SQL Hegemony and Document Databases

A surpassingly strange question is this: "How do I get the data out of MongoDB into a spreadsheet?"
The variation is "How can we load the MongoDB data into a relational database?"
I'm always perplexed by this question. It has a subtext that I find baffling. The subtext is this …
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