We're talking about extracting data from complex relational databases. This is -- in a way -- another case study for my Unlearning SQL book.

In Part I, we loaded a database and queried the metadata. In Part II, we extracted the raw tables and loaded up a TAR Archive with NDJSON documents.

We can now move beyond the raw relational data into something more useful.

Things SQL Does Badly

One thing SQL does badly is model hierarchies. (This is one aspect of not handling graphs in general.)

In a hierarchy -- a Directed Acyclic Graph -- there are nodes. A node may have a parent. A mode may have one or more children. A node with no parent is the "root" of the tree. A node with no children is a "leaf" of the tree.

Diagram of a tree.

A tree

The point is that the relationships are transitive -- the root has children that have children dot dot dot that have leaves. No arbitrary <h1> to <h6> limit. (Pragmatically, you don't need very many levels. Common SQL hacks impose limits to so a simple SELECT statement and a programming languages like COBOL will work. The WITH clause permits indefinite hierarchies, at the cost of consuming time querying the rows from the database.)

Not Using SQL

In ordinary, in-memory data structures, it makes sense to define tree structures like this:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, Json, WrapValidator

class AppModel(BaseModel, from_attributes=True, arbitrary_types_allowed=True):
    def pk(self) -> int:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        base = super().__str__()
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__} {base}"

class Assets(AppModel):
    1239 rows

    def pk(self) -> int:
        return self.id

    id: int  # <<PK>> range 1..1334, in [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), ... 1234 more]
    parent_id: int  # range 1..941, in [(895, 361), (699, 51), (478, 49), (1, 42), (35, 38), ... 117 more]
    lft: int  # range 1..2475, in [(1, 2), (3, 1), (9, 1), (11, 1), (13, 1), ... 1233 more]
    rgt: int  # <<unique>> range 2..2477, in [(2477, 1), (2, 1), (8, 1), (10, 1), (12, 1), ... 1234 more]
    level: int  # range 1..5, in [(4, 766), (3, 254), (2, 90), (5, 85), (1, 43), ... 1 more]
    name: str  # <<unique>> range 'com_actionlogs'..'root.1', in [('root.1', 1), ('com_admin', 1), ('com_banners', 1), ('com_cache', 1), ('com_checkin', 1), ... 1234 more]
    title: str  # range 'Ar n-Inin (Hull #331)'..'vtest1', in [('Uncategorised', 7), ('Whitby42 #172 [...]', 5), ('General', 3), ('Introduction', 3), ('2008 Rendezvous', 3), ... 1170 more]
    rules: str  # range '{"core.admin":[],"core.mana...'..'{}', in [('{}', 544), ('None', 348), ('{"core.delete":{"...', 81), ('{"core.delete":[]...', 74), ('{"core.delete":[]...', 65), ... 25 more]

    children: list["Assets"] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False)
    parent: ref["Assets"] | None = Field(default=None, repr=False)
    gallery_catgs: list["Joomgallery_Catg"] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False)
    galleries: list["Joomgallery"] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False)
    categories: list["Categories"] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False)
    content: list["Content"] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False)
    modules: list["Modules"] = Field(default_factory=list, repr=False)

An Assets instance has children: list["Assets"]. Similarly, an Assets instance may have a weak reference to a parent, ref["Assets"] | None.

It's a weak reference because two mutual references -- parent -> child and child -> parent -- will create a circularity that defeats reference counting. Using weak references adds a bit of fussiness, but otherwise leads to objects that play well with others.

Some of these fields are nonsense. The rest describe the asset tree used by Joomla!

Having an explicit children list attached to each Assets saves going back to the database to do additional queries to find the children of a given asset. Further, it makes it very easy to "walk" the transitive closure of all children under an asset. And, it makes it very easy to locate the transitive closure of all parents of an asset.

How Do We Get There?

Building the the model objects is a two-step process.

Step, the first

Most of the attributes are seeded from db_model objects using a line like the following:

obj = Assets.model_validate(row)

The model_validate() moves data into a new instance of the Assets model. The from_attributes=True means attribute name matching is used; this means our AppModel classes must have attribute names that match the DBModel classes. These have have attribute names that match the original SQL. We have a reasonably transparent mapping because of this constraint.

Step, the second

The relationships don't resolve themselves.

We need to attach children to parents and parents to children. For this, we've defined a Builder class.

class AssetsBuilder(AppModelBuilder):
    hide circle
    skinparam linetype ortho

    entity Assets
    Assets }o-- "parent" Assets

    class AppTable(model.AppTable[model.Assets]):

    def __call__(self, table: DBTable) -> model.AppTable[model.Assets]:
        items = self.AppTable.build(model.Assets, table)
        for item in items.values():
            if item.parent_id in items:
        return items

In SQL world, every Assets row has a parent_id column with a foreign key reference to another Assets. Or a null of some kind, maybe a database NULL, maybe a zero.

(There is not one standard answer to null representation. Don't @ me with it should be NULL. In this case, it isn't NULL, and it doesn't have to be a NULL. It's usually zero. Except in one case that seems to be the result of a bug of some kind.)

(We'll look at the AppTable.build later, for now I want to focus on the hierarchies.)

For each Assets object in items.values(), we need to see if it has a parent. If it does have a parent, we need to as the parent to add this child. This will do two things: add the child to the parent's children list, and also set the parent relationship for each of the children.

def add_child(self, item: "Assets") -> None:
    item.parent = ref(self)

The AppTable class

The final step in the Builder is a the AppTable; a handy structure to manage each collection of objects.

In the long run, this is not required.

In the short run -- where we can't navigate the database -- it's really handy for exploring.

T_AppModel = TypeVar("T_AppModel")

class AppTable[T_AppModel: AppModel](dict[Any, T_AppModel]):
    A mapping from PK id to AppModel instance.

    logger: ClassVar[logging.Logger]

    def build(
        cls, row_cls: type[T_AppModel], db_table: Iterable[BaseModel]
    ) -> "AppTable[T_AppModel]":
        cls.logger = logging.getLogger(cls.__name__)
        app_table = AppTable[T_AppModel]()
        for row in db_table:
            obj = row_cls.model_validate(row, from_attributes=True)
            if obj.pk in app_table:
                    "Duplicate key %r, replacing %r", row, app_table[obj.pk]
            app_table[obj.pk] = obj
        return app_table

    def where(
        self, filter_function: Callable[[T_AppModel], bool]
    ) -> Iterator[T_AppModel]:
        A vaguely SQL-like search.
        yield from filter(filter_function, self.values())

This is where we build a model.Assets object from the database db_model.Assets object. Further, we index them by the stated PK so we don't need to search.

The where() method lets us provide a lambda that searches the rows for matching instances.

featured = list(self.content.Content.where(lambda c: c.featured == 1))

This is equivalent to SELECT * FROM content WHERE featured = 1 in SQL. Except it's a lot faster. And a lot more flexible.

This is not heavily used. Most of what we need, we can find with ordinary foreign-key-to-primary-key relationships that use the native Python mappings. A few things, like specific assets that define Joomla! modules and content categories, must be found by name, and will use the where() method.

All the Things

Now that we can unravel the parent-child hierarchies, we can prepare the database for real work.

We'll transform the original SQL-like structures to a module-like namespace that has all the things we want, with their proper relationships. There are 18 tables that seem to have all the content we care about. For now, we're avoiding some of the installed Joomla! extensions.

def prepare_content(database: Database) -> SimpleNamespace:
    content = SimpleNamespace()

    content.Phocadownload_Categories = PhocaCategoryBuilder(content)(
    content.Phocadownload = PhocaDownloadBuilder(content)(database["Phocadownload"])

    content.Kunena_Categories = KCategoryBuilder(content)(database["Kunena_Categories"])
    content.Kunena_Topics = KTopicBuilder(content)(database["Kunena_Topics"])
    content.Kunena_Messages = KMessageBuilder(content)(database["Kunena_Messages"])
    content.Kunena_Messages_Text = KMessageTextBuilder(content)(
    content.Kunena_Attachments = KAttachmentBuilder(content)(

    content.Assets = AssetsBuilder(content)(database["Assets"])

    content.Rsgallery2_Galleries = RSGalleryBuilder(content)(
    content.Rsgallery2_Files = RSFileBuilder(content)(database["Rsgallery2_Files"])

    content.Joomgallery_Catg = JGCatgBuilder(content)(database["Joomgallery_Catg"])
    content.Joomgallery = JGalleryBuilder(content)(database["Joomgallery"])

    content.Categories = CategoriesBuilder(content)(database["Categories"])
    content.Content = ContentBuilder(content)(database["Content"])

    content.Modules = ModulesBuilder(content)(database["Modules"])
    content.Menu = MenuBuilder(content)(database["Menu"])
    content.Weblinks = WeblinksBuilder(content)(database["Weblinks"])

    # The following are of dubious value...
    content.Modules_Menu = ModulesMenuAssoc(content)(database["Modules_Menu"])
    content.Content_Frontpage = ContentFPBuilder(content)(database["Content_Frontpage"])

    return content

Each Builder applies several transformative steps:

  1. Build model objects from db_model objects for the relevant few DBTable objects.
  2. Make AppTable dictionaries from object.pk to object.
  3. Make trees for objects with parent-child relationships.
  4. Resolve other inter-object references.