Siren's Call of DRM

Date Tags web / cms

In the CW article, pseudonymous Mathias Thurman describes a demonstration of Microsoft's Rights Management Services product. The audience of executives identify a number of "Suppose..." scenarios, which the author dismisses as merely research subjects, concluding that "...the goal of this proof of concept was to introduce a group of executives …

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The Twenty-Minute Solution

Date Tags web / cms

First, let me get this off my chest: Django rules. There are a number of reasons, but they aren't the point of this posting.

When someone creates a twenty-minute application, they walk a fine line. The minimalist approach to software development can be viewed from two …

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The Power of Static HTML

Date Tags web / cms


I need to display my product catalog according to a number of dimensions but the data changes slowly and isn't very complex. Is a relational database and a web application really appropriate? Or can I get away with something simpler?


Some small product catalogs evolve slowly. A detailed …

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Content Management Alternatives

Date Tags web / cms

A Comment:

>I'm not sure what the issue is, >and why "simple content manager" needs definition.

Neither was I until I read your reply.

I did not know enough to formulate the correct question. What I was struggling was when do you use simple hyperlinks/html vs a content mgr …

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Why Content Manager?

Date Tags web / cms

A Question:

>> A while back you mentioned the following book >> >> Book Title: Text, ConText, and HyperText Writing with and for the Computer edited by Edward Barrett >> ISBN 0-262-02275-3 >> >> I bought and then scanned through the book. I picked the following article to read semi carefully >> Hypertext: A Way of Incorporating …
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