Mac OS X Sync and iPhone

Last week I noticed that some contacts were repeated in my iPhone contacts. That's awful. It makes the phone suddenly very hard to use.

I did a little reading, found some stuff about various levels of synchronization. I have a Mac OS X 10.4, plus 10.5, plus the …

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Personal Spam

In previous years, I had several email lists: my Yahoo! list, my Google list, my desktop. To figure out what to send, I had to merge the lists, which meant reading vCards, and CSV files. This is totally the sweet-spot for Python.

The Mac OS X Mobile Me has a …

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Rickrolling Trifecta

No one wants to be Rickrolled. I suppose it could have been funny, once, for about 15 minutes. I didn't think it was all that funny to begin with, but there it is -- a part of the lexicon. However, it remains obscure, and sometimes hard to explain to non-technical folks …

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Airport Extreme + Time Machine. Wow!

Attempt 1 - Plug in the disk. Create users. Fail.

Time Machine won't use a networked disk. The advertising and documentation is pretty clear that Time Machine wants USB or FireWire storage.

And this is Apple, it either works seamlessly, silently or automatically, or I've got the wrong use case. So …

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Siren's Call of DRM

Date Tags web / cms

In the CW article, pseudonymous Mathias Thurman describes a demonstration of Microsoft's Rights Management Services product. The audience of executives identify a number of "Suppose..." scenarios, which the author dismisses as merely research subjects, concluding that "...the goal of this proof of concept was to introduce a group of executives …

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The Twenty-Minute Solution

Date Tags web / cms

First, let me get this off my chest: Django rules. There are a number of reasons, but they aren't the point of this posting.

When someone creates a twenty-minute application, they walk a fine line. The minimalist approach to software development can be viewed from two …

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The Power of Static HTML

Date Tags web / cms


I need to display my product catalog according to a number of dimensions but the data changes slowly and isn't very complex. Is a relational database and a web application really appropriate? Or can I get away with something simpler?


Some small product catalogs evolve slowly. A detailed …

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Content Management Alternatives

Date Tags web / cms

A Comment:

>I'm not sure what the issue is, >and why "simple content manager" needs definition.

Neither was I until I read your reply.

I did not know enough to formulate the correct question. What I was struggling was when do you use simple hyperlinks/html vs a content mgr …

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Why Content Manager?

Date Tags web / cms

A Question:

>> A while back you mentioned the following book >> >> Book Title: Text, ConText, and HyperText Writing with and for the Computer edited by Edward Barrett >> ISBN 0-262-02275-3 >> >> I bought and then scanned through the book. I picked the following article to read semi carefully >> Hypertext: A Way of Incorporating …
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