The Permissions Issue

Why? Why are Enterprise Computers so hard to use? What is it about computers that terrifies corporate IT? They're paying lots of money to have me sit around and wait for mysterious approver folks to decide if I can be given permission to install development tools. (Of course, the real …

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Innovation, Arduino and "Tinkering"

Many of my customers (mostly super-large IT shops) wouldn't recognize innovative behavior. Large organizations tend to punish defectors (folks that don't conform), and innovation is non-conforming.
I've just had two object lessons in innovation. The state of the art has left many in-house IT development processes in the dust. The …
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Innovation is Disruptive -- and sometimes forbidden

Saw this on Twitter from @hunterwalk:

Startups piss people off because their existence is a statement that incumbents aren't doing their job well enough

Also true of IT internal innovation. Pitch a novel, innovative idea to management, and most organizations will find ways to avoid it. Suggesting a bold new …

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