The Pythonista app for iPad

Let me start my review with "wow!"

Python 3.6 on the iPad. Works. Nicely. Easy to use. Reliable. Rock-Solid.

I'm not switching to iPad as my primary platform any time in the near future. But. For certain kinds of small and tightly focused hackery, this is really nice.

I …

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Lynda and Educational Content

Just found

Unlike random YouTube videos, these are professionally edited.

Not everything on YouTube is poorly edited. Some are really good.

Having done a few webcasts for O'Reilly (and I have another scheduled for January 2016,) I know that my "you knows" -- you know -- and my …

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Events: PyCon 2016, OSCon 2016

Many years ago ('07?) I went to my first PyCon. My situation changed and I didn't get to another PyCon until last year.

The story is a kind of major dumbosity. In '07 I could expense the trip as education. In '08, I'd lost that feature of my employment. After …

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