It used to work... Now they've fixed it.

Apple's Time Capsule rocks.

For a while the Airport Extreme Base Station (AEBS) -- with a disk added -- would do the same thing. You got Time Capsule backups seamlessly and continuously.

No more. Version 7.4.2. fixed the "bug". Now the AEBS no longer backs up to a disk.

They've …

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Mac OS X Sync and iPhone

Last week I noticed that some contacts were repeated in my iPhone contacts. That's awful. It makes the phone suddenly very hard to use.

I did a little reading, found some stuff about various levels of synchronization. I have a Mac OS X 10.4, plus 10.5, plus the …

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Technology Refresh

First, I'm a pack-rat; I worry about deleting something valuable. Specifically, I worry about orphaned files because the application software is no longer supported or the media is obsolete.

For example, my resume is a Hypercard stack. Really. Hypercard is an OS 9 application, and future OS X's won't support …

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No more Mindspring

Years and years ago I started using Delphi internet services. They had a complicated dialup arrangement through Sprintnet and Tymenet to a farm of VAX servers in the Boston area, part of Northeast Education and Research (NEAR) net. This was Delphi internet, character-mode, 9600 baud. I used Mac classic and …

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Good-bye Old Mac

Mac #1 was a 1986 128K Mac, later upgraded to 1M Mac Plus, with external everything. Eventually a 70Mb SCSI hard drive. Bundled up with another just like it, it sold on eBay for shipping + a few bucks. I kept it running until 2001, when I finally shut it off …

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