A NoSQL Conversation

This cropped up recently. It's part of a "replace Mongo with Relational DB" conversation.

I'm going to elide the conversation down to five key points. The three post-hoc nonsensical ideas, and the two real points.

What's (to me) very telling is that someone else published the five reasons in this …

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SQL Hegemony and Document Databases

A surpassingly strange question is this: "How do I get the data out of MongoDB into a spreadsheet?"
The variation is "How can we load the MongoDB data into a relational database?"
I'm always perplexed by this question. It has a subtext that I find baffling. The subtext is this …
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MongoDB and Schema Validation

One part of the MongoDB value proposition is being freed from the constraints of a database schema.
There's a "baby and bathwater" issue here. While a schema can become a low-value constraint, we have to be careful about throwing out the baby when we throw out the bathwater. A schema …
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