Super-picky Writing Advice

There are patterns to bad writing. I'll give some examples based on a blog post I was sent. It's also based -- indirectly -- on some of proposals I saw for PyCon and PyDataDC.

For the conference calls for papers, I can ask a few questions of the author, but that's about …

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PyCon 2018 Program Committee

Date Tags pycon

I was "volunteered" by a colleague to help the program committee for PyCon 2018. I rarely think of myself as qualified for this kind of thing. Yes. I have six books on Python (with a seventh on the way) but the PSF folks are brilliant and dedicated and hard-working, and …

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Events: PyCon 2016, OSCon 2016

Many years ago ('07?) I went to my first PyCon. My situation changed and I didn't get to another PyCon until last year.

The story is a kind of major dumbosity. In '07 I could expense the trip as education. In '08, I'd lost that feature of my employment. After …

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PyCon 2007 (Revised)

Things I learned at PyCon 2007 .

  1. In the Open Source community, men outnumber women 571 : 22. I guess that's why I'm married to a sysadmin instead of a programmer.
  2. While I already knew that programming was literature, I never really connected it with Rhetoric until hearing R0ml's keynote. If programming …
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PyCon Presentation

I'm very excited to be giving a presentation at PyCon '07. A 30-minute slot is tough because the Star Schema can be confusing. The coding is pretty transparent (IMO), but the background for why I had to do this and places where it can be used are more interesting than …

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