Sphinx EPUB and Print

Let's say you want to self-publish an ebook and a print-on-demand paperback book.

This isn't impossible, nor is it particularly easy. Here's what I've learned.

Basic Workflow

You've got two obvious paths to make sure your EPUB book and your print-on-demand book match:

  1. Convert EPUB to Print. This generally means …
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Link Rot and Editing

As noted in Finished Moving: Lessons Learned link rot is real.

Links vanish.

I've got 23 ancient (2004 to 2006, ancient) posts with clearly broken links. These are easy to identify because the service vanished years ago.

The tricky part is figuring out of there's any content worth preserving. In …

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Creating UML

I'm a big fan of plain-text tools. Source Code. ReStructuredText. LaTeX.

I'm not a big fan of proprietary file formats and document formats that are difficult or impossible to decode. JSON and XML rock. .XLS files are painful and difficult to work with.

UML Diagrams are a particularly odious problem …

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Getting Started Creating Web Pages

Got this question recently.

I’m looking for an HTML editor that fits into my price range (free of course). I don’t need to do anything fancy, just vanilla HTML to run on an Apache server ..., and maybe some PHP down the line. Can you recommend any open source …
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