Cool Work Environment
Parts of this were shot on my floor of my building.
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more ...Parts of this were shot on my floor of my building.
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more ...Read this:
What I have been doing instead of using these sophisticated, integrated writing tools?
I use OmniOutliner. I've used it for years. It does a lot of things. Most notably, I can create multiple columns so that I can …
more ...In compiled languages, the build script or makefile is pretty important. Java has maven (and gradle and ant) for this job.
Python doesn't really have much for this. Mostly because it's needless.
Some folks like the idea of a build script. I've been asked for suggestions.
First and foremost …
more ...Someone told me they weren't yet ready to write "serious code." They needed to spend more time doing something that's not coding.
I'm unclear on what they were doing. It appears they have some barriers that I can't see.
They had sample data. They had a problem statement. They had …
more ...See Andrew Binstock's "Windows 8: Microsoft's Development Re-Do".
The costs of these migrations has been enormous and continues to accumulate...
I can only rub my hands with glee and engage in shameless "I Told You So" self-congratulations.
Only you can prevent being held hostage by Microsoft.
More than once, I've …
more ...Too much of programming is intimately tied up with the tools to support the development of the software.
Example 1. I was told -- with absolute and fierce conviction -- that VB may suck as a language, but Visual Studio more than makes up for the obvious problems. For some people, Tools …
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