Here's a simple graphic application which is built on the framework. This isn't a beginner's hello world. This is the final project kind of program, and only for a student with some trigonometry background. The basic trig isn't too complex, but would require rather detailed documentation to motivate the math behind the solution.

This does show shading, text, masks, filling and line drawing.


Here are the essential module overheads.

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" Application

Draw the eight canonical 2-set Venn diagrams.

This builds on basic "sketchpad" style application, which has general
application framework surrounding a simple "drawImage" method.

from graphicApp import *
import math

Venn class, part 1.

Here's the beginning of the drawing application class, it's a subclass of graphicApp.GraphicApplication.

class Venn( GraphicApplication ):
    """A Graphic Application which displays the canonical
    2-set Venn Diagrams.

    The control area has a combo box added to select which
    of the 8 diagrams to draw.

    The Pixmap drawing routine decodes the selected diagram
    and then draws the expected Venn diagram.

    def __init__( self ):
        self.imageToDraw= 2
        GraphicApplication.__init__( self )

    def fileName( self ):
        return "venn-%d.png" % ( self.imageToDraw, )

    def selectImage( self, widget, data ):
        """Handle the image selection event on the Image selection button."""
        print "selectImage", widget.get_active()
        # Set the image selector
        self.imageToDraw= widget.get_active()
        # Invalidate the drawable's region to force a refresh

    def build_application_controls( self, controls ):
        self.b_choices= gtk.combo_box_new_text()
        self.b_choices.append_text( "Set()" )
        self.b_choices.append_text( "S1-S2" )
        self.b_choices.append_text( "S1&S2;" )
        self.b_choices.append_text( "S1" )
        self.b_choices.append_text( "S2-S1" )
        self.b_choices.append_text( "S1^S2" )
        self.b_choices.append_text( "S2" )
        self.b_choices.append_text( "S1|S2" )
        self.b_choices.set_property( "active", self.imageToDraw )
        self.b_choices.connect("changed", self.selectImage, None)

Venn Class, Part 2.

Here's the application's drawImage method, which does the actual work of the application.

def drawImage( self, venn, widget ):
        """Venn Diagram 2: s1&s2;"""
        print "Drawing", self.imageToDraw
        # Fill pattern is diagonal lines
        stripe_bits= """\x83\x07\x0e\x1c\x38\x70\xe0\xc1"""
        stripe= gtk.gdk.bitmap_create_from_data(None, stripe_bits, 8, 8)
        # Blank pattern is solid
        solid_bits= """\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"""
        solid= gtk.gdk.bitmap_create_from_data(None, solid_bits, 8, 8)
        # Create our graphic contexts
        colorMap= venn.get_colormap()
        width2= venn.new_gc(
        width1= venn.new_gc(
        fill= venn.new_gc(
            stipple= stripe,
            foreground=colorMap.alloc_color("dark slate grey"),
        blank= venn.new_gc(
            stipple= solid,

        # Compute the coordinates for our picture
        print "get_size", venn.get_size()
        width, height= venn.get_size()

        # Radius, r, is (h-48)/2; diameter is 2*r
        r= (height-48)/2

        # Left Center is (24+r, 24+r)
        print "Left Center", 24+r, 24+r
        # Left rectangle: x=24, width=2*r, y=24, height=2*r
        left_x, left_y = 24, 24

        # Spaing between circles, s, is r*5/4 (between 0 and 2r)
        s= r*5/4

        # Right Center is (24+r+s, 24+r)
        print "Right Center", 24+r+s, 24+r
        # Right rectangle: x=24+s, width=2*r, y=24, height=2*r
        right_x, right_y = 24+s, 24

        # x intercept is 24+r+s/2
        # y intercept is (24+r +/- r*sin( acos( (s/2)/r ) )
        # Fill rectangle: x = 24+r+s/2, width r-s/2, y = y+yd, height 2*yd
        x= 24+r+s/2
        yd= int(r*math.sin( math.acos( s/(2.0*r) ) ))
        y= 24+r
        print "Top Intersection", x, y+yd
        print "Bottom Intsection", x, y-yd

        # The angles of the arcs are from +acos(s/2/r) to -acos(s/2/r).
        a= int(360*64*math.acos( s/(2.0*r) )/(2*math.pi))
        #print "radians", math.acos( s/(2.0*r) ), "64ths", a, "degrees", a/64.0

        # Blank and Outline the Venn universe rectangle
        # Leave a 16-pixel edge border.
        venn.draw_rectangle( blank, True, 8, 8, width-16, height-16 )
        venn.draw_rectangle( width2, False, 8, 8, width-16, height-16 )

        # Now, we need to accumulate the selected regions.
        fill1= (self.imageToDraw & 1) != 0
        fill2= (self.imageToDraw & 2) != 0
        fill4= (self.imageToDraw & 4) != 0
        #print "Fills", fill1, fill2, fill4

        # NOTE that this is relatively simple looking, but
        # inefficient, since any combination with region 2 will lead to filling,
        # blanking and filling again.
        if fill1:
            # Left circle minus the center (region 1)
            # Shade the left circle
            venn.draw_arc( fill, True, left_x, left_y, 2*r, 2*r, 0, 64*360 )
            # Lay the cipped left arc on top of it
            blank.set_clip_rectangle( gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x, y-yd, r-s/2, 2*yd) )
            venn.draw_arc( blank, True, left_x, left_y, 2*r, 2*r, -a, 2*a )
            # Lay the clipped right arc on top of it
            blank.set_clip_rectangle( gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x-r+s/2, y-yd, r-s/2, 2*yd) )
            venn.draw_arc( blank, True, right_x, right_y, 2*r, 2*r, -a+180*64, 2*a )

        if fill4:
            # Right circle minus the center (region 4)
            # Shade the right circle
            venn.draw_arc( fill, True, right_x, right_y, 2*r, 2*r, 0, 64*360 )
            # Lay the cipped left arc on top of it
            blank.set_clip_rectangle( gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x, y-yd, r-s/2, 2*yd) )
            venn.draw_arc( blank, True, left_x, left_y, 2*r, 2*r, -a, 2*a )
            # Lay the clipped right arc on top of it
            blank.set_clip_rectangle( gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x-r+s/2, y-yd, r-s/2, 2*yd) )
            venn.draw_arc( blank, True, right_x, right_y, 2*r, 2*r, -a+180*64, 2*a )

        if fill2:
            # Center (region 2)
            # Left Arc, clipped by the right-side rectangle.
            fill.set_clip_rectangle( gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x, y-yd, r-s/2, 2*yd) )
            venn.draw_arc( fill, True, left_x, left_y, 2*r, 2*r, -a, 2*a )
            # Right Arc, clipped by the left-sie rectangle
            fill.set_clip_rectangle( gtk.gdk.Rectangle(x-r+s/2, y-yd, r-s/2, 2*yd) )
            venn.draw_arc( fill, True, right_x, right_y, 2*r, 2*r, -a+180*64, 2*a )

        # Outline the circles
        venn.draw_arc( width2, False, left_x, left_y, 2*r, 2*r, 0, 64*360 )
        venn.draw_arc( width2, False, right_x, right_y, 2*r, 2*r, 0, 64*360 )

        # Add set labels "S1" and "S2".
        # Create a Pango Context for applying text labels to the diagram
        # A 24-point font would look good.
        self.pangoContext= widget.get_pango_context()
        fontAttrList= pango.AttrList()
        fontAttrList.change( pango.AttrSize( 24*1000, 0, 2 ) )
        # Create Pango.Layouts using pangoContext.
        label_s1= pango.Layout( self.pangoContext )
        label_s1.set_text( "S1" )
        label_s1.set_attributes( fontAttrList )
        label_s2= pango.Layout( self.pangoContext )
        label_s2.set_text( "S2" )
        label_s2.set_attributes( fontAttrList )

        # Get ink size and logical size of label s1
        ex1_ink, ex1_log = label_s1.get_pixel_extents()
        log_x, log_y, width, height= ex1_log
        # Position the label centered half-way across and 3/5 of the way to the top
        lftLab_x, lftLab_y = left_x + r-width/2, left_y+3*r/5 - height/2
        venn.draw_layout( width2, lftLab_x, lftLab_y, label_s1 )

        # Get ink size and logical size of label s2
        ex2_ink, ex2_log = label_s2.get_pixel_extents()
        log_x, log_y, width, height= ex1_log
        rgtLab_x, rgtLab_y = right_x + r-width/2, right_y+3*r/5 - height/2
        # Position the label centered half-way across and 3/5 of the way to the top
        venn.draw_layout( width2, rgtLab_x, rgtLab_y, label_s2 )

        # Debugging rectangles
        #venn.draw_rectangle( width1, False, x, y-yd, r-s/2, 2*yd )
        #venn.draw_rectangle( width1, False, x-r+s/2, y-yd, r-s/2, 2*yd )

Main program switch.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    vennDiagram = Venn()

In addition to the TODO's in part 1, I have another complaint. I don't really like separating the pixmap from the widget which displays the pixmap. It seems a little silly to do most of the work in the pixmap, but still use the widget to get the Pango context.

When I get some more time, I'll look at cleaning it up and putting together some course material oriented around the pedagogical framework I used in Building Skills in Python .