How can we demo web services?

The obvious answer is that we need a customer-like demo site that shows how the customer's software interacts with our software.

The problem is that it's a totally back-office kind of relationship. Worse, we don't have solid use cases. We have working software for some use cases, but every conference …

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Model - View - Controller, and Related Patterns

TP sent me this great link on MVC and related patterns. It's Ctrl-Shift-B's posting, Interactive Application Architecture Patterns . It is helpful at disentangling the distinctions between various kinds of model-view-controller, and model-view-presenter alternatives.

This is important because the terminology gets borrowed and adulterated sometimes. When we look at Struts , we …

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Layers, Interfaces and Mutability

Here's the full, minimally-edited question:

"We are having a debate about the basic way the UI, Business Logic, and Data Access layers communicate.

My experience has been that the UI talks to the BizLogic, and the BizLogic maps between itself and the Data Access layer.. like this:

UI -> BizLogic -> Data …
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The Browser as OS? Perhaps Not

While "Browser as OS" is what appears to be happening. The browser is the front-end for many applications. Even in the Ajax case, however, the browser is only one piece of the application, and the browser isn't relevant on the server side.

The important point that is missed in the …

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Building a Web Interface

A Question:

I would like to build a web browser interface that has capabilities like a spreadsheet.

At the same time, would like to use a tool like OpenROAD from Ingres/CA to do this.

It seems that XUL is the way to go but the entire Mozilla thing is …

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