See Spreadsheets, COBOL, and schema-driven file processing, etc. for some history on this project.

Also, see Stingray-Reader for the current state of this effort.

(This started almost 20 years ago, I've been refining and revising a lot.)

Big Lesson Up Front

Python is very purely driven by the idea that everything you write is generic with respect to type. Adding type hints narrows the type domain, removing the concept of "generic".

Generally, this is good.

But not universally.

Duck Typing -- and Python's generic approach to types -- is made visible via Protocols and Generics.

An Ugly Type Hinting Problem

One type hint complication arises when writing code that really is generic. Decorators are a canonical example of functions that are generic with respect to the function being decorated. This, then, leads to kind of complicated-looking type hints.

See the mypy page on declaring decorators. The use of a TypeVar to show that how a decorator's argument type matches the the return type is big help. Not all decorators follow the simple pattern, but many do.

from typing import TypeVar
F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable[..., Any])
def myDecorator(function: F) -> F:

The Stingray Reader problem is that a number of abstractions are generic with respect to an underlying instance object.

If we're working with CSV files, the instance is a tuple[str].

If we're working with ND JSON objects, the instance is some JSON type.

If we're working with some Workbook (e.g., via xlrd, openpyxl, or pyexcel) then, the instance is defined by one of these external libraries.

If we're working with COBOL files, then the instances may be str or may be bytes. The typing.AnyStr type provides a useful generic definition.

Traditional OO Design Is The Problem

Once upon a time, in the dark days, we had exactly one design choice: inheritance.

Actually, we had two, but so many writers get focused on "explaining" OO programming, that they tend to gloss over composition. The focus on the sort-of novel concept of inheritance.

And this leads to folks arguing that inheritance shouldn't be thought of as central. Which is a kind of moot argument over what we're doing when we're writing about OO design. We have to cover both. Inheritance has more drama, so it becomes a bit more visible than composition. Indeed, inheritance creates a number of design constraints, and that's where the drama surfaces.

Any discussion of design patterns tends to be more balanced. Many patterns -- like Strategy and State -- are compositional patterns. Inheritance actually plays a relatively minor role until you reach interesting boundary cases.


What do you do when you have a Strategy class hierarchy and ONE of those strategies has an unique type hint for a parameter? Most of the classes use one type. One unique subclass needs a distinct type. For example, this outlier among the Strategy alternatives uses a str parameter instead of float.

Do you push that type distinction up to the top of the hierarchy? Maybe define it as edge_case: Optional[Union[str, float]] = None?

You can't simply change the parameter's value in one subclass with impunity. mypy will catch you at this, and tell you you have Liskov Substitution problems.

Traditionally, we would often take this to mean that we have a larger problem here. We have a leaky abstraction. Some implementation details are surfacing in a bad way and we need more abstract classes.

It's A Protocol ("Duck Typing")

When I started rewriting Stingray Reader, I started with a fair number of abstract classes. These classes were supposed to have widely varying implementations, but common semantics.

Applying a schema definition to a CSV file means that data values can be converted from strings to something more useful,

Applying a schema to a JSON file means doing a validation pass to be sure the loaded object meets the schema's expectations.

Applying a schema to a Workbook file is a kind of hybrid between CSV processing and JSON processing. The workbook's values will have been unpacked by the interface module. Each row will look like a list[Any] that can be subject to JSON schema validation.

Apply a schema to COBOL means using the schema details to figure out how to unpack the bytes. This is suddenly a lot more complex than the other cases.

The concepts of inheritance and composition aren't really applicable.

This is something even more open-ended. It's a protocol.

We want a common interface and common semantics. But. We're not really going to leverage any common code.

This unwinds a lot abstract superclasses, replacing them with Protocol class definitions.

class Workbook(abc.ABC):
    def sheet(self, name: str, schema: Schema) -> Sheet:
    def row_iter(self) -> Iterator[list[Union[str, bytes, int, float, etc.]]]:

The above is not universally useful. Liskov Substitution has to apply. In some cases, we don't have a tidy set of relationships. Here's the alternative

class Workbook(Protocol):
    def sheet(self, name: str, schema: Schema) -> Sheet:
    def row_iter(self) -> Iterator[list[Any]]:

This gives us the ability to define classes that adhere to the Workbook Protocol but don't have a simple, strict subclass-superclass-Liskov substitution relationship.

It's A Generic Protocol

It turns out, this isn't quite right. What's really required is a Generic[Type], not the simple Protocol.

class Workbook(Generic[Instance]):
    def sheet(self, name: str, schema: Schema) -> Sheet:
    def row_iter(self) -> Iterator[list[Instance]]:

This lets us create Workbook variants that are highly type-specific, but not narrowly constrained by inheritance rules.

This type hinting technique describes Python code that really is generic with respect to implementation type details. It allows a single Facade to contain a number of implementations.