The GUI Problem

I write Microservices. And not-so-micro Services. API's.

I got this email recently.

"Goal: get you to consider adding Gooey to your Python tool set" "Gooey What it's for: Turn a console-based Python program into one that sports a platform-native GUI. Why it's great: Presenting people, especially rank-and-file users, with a …
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Today's Milestone: Refactoring and Django Migrations

Once upon a time, when today's old folks were young, we'd debate the two project strategies: Hard Part Do Later (HPDL) vs. Hard Part First (HPF).

The HPDL folks argued that you could pick away at the hard part until -- eventually -- it wasn't hard any more. This doesn't often work …

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Decisions and Consequences

A single poorly-made decision can have profound ripple-effects. Once your stuck with it, you make accommodations, hacks and work-arounds. Eventually, things work, but the result is less than ideal.

Changing tack requires sometimes pervasive rework to the application. How can we reduce the risks and improve the value created?

A …

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The Wrapper vs. Library vs. Aspect Problem

Imagine that we've got a collection of applications used by customers to provide data, a collection of applications we use to collect data from vendors. We've got a third collection of analytical tools.

Currently, they share a common database, but the focus, use cases, and interfaces are different.

Okay so …

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