RESTful Web Services Design

Date Tags REST
This -- REST is the new SOAP -- has so many demolished strawman arguments that it feels like looking at a van Gogh painting of people harvesting wheat.
I won't dive into listing all the strawmen. Most of my responses are approximately "How is that an actual problem?" or "Yes, it was …
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RESTful Web Service Testing

Unit testing RESTful web services is rather complex. Ideally, the services are tested in isolation before being packaged as a service.

However, sometimes people will want to test the "finished" or "integrated" web services technology stack because (I suppose) they don't trust their lower-level unit tests.

Or they don't have …

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Client-Server Partitioning

I have slowly grown to love RESTful web services.

I was asked about a nearly empty section in the code repository labeled "Java client".

"Yes," I said, "it's a place-holder for a Java package that includes classes to wrap our RESTful web services."

"Really?" I was asked, "Why? We use …

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REST and HTTP Digest Authentication

It seems so simple: use the HTTP Digest Authorization with the Quality of Protection set to "auth".

It's an easy algorithm. A nonce that encodes a timestamp can be used to be sure no one is attempting to cache credentials. It's potentially very, very nice.

Except for one thing: Apache …

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Wrestling with REST

REST is cool because there's less protocol there -- little more than HTTP and some kind of representation for objects (XML, JSON or whatever.) It seems to me that REST with JSON is a very lightweight approach to implementing web services. Doing this in Python further trims down the technology stack …

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