More Reasons to Stop Bash-ing

There are many good reasons to use shell scripts. Mostly, a script can be useful when it's an alias that launches an application. Beyond that, I have doubts.


Incumbency is a popular argument for bash.

It's not a good argument, however.

Use invoke and you'll be much happier.

Background …

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This is Awful

Date Tags bash / json

This is a disheartening thing to read

As someone who doesn't do a ton of JSON parsing on the command line, I tend to forget jq syntax.

Two tools I really like are gron (make JSON greppable) from @tomnomnom and jqp ..., which provides a "tui playground for exploring jq."

98 …

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Bashing the Bash -- The shell is awful and what you can do about it

A presentation I did recently.

Folks were polite and didn't have too many questions. I guess they fundamentally agreed: the shell is awful, we can use it for a few things.

Safe Shell Scripts Stay Simple: Set the environment, Start the application. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Seven S's …

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The Pipeline Question when Bashing the Bash


And this

I wonder how/why python did not pick up some sort/form of pipe operator. 🤨 (although coroutine does have .send method 🤔)

—Ivan Pejić (@nadrimajstor) August 26, 2017

The answer to this is interesting because there are two kinds of parallelism. I like …

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Why rewrite a shell script in Python?

Here's the actual quote:

Why would you need to rewrite a working script in python ? Was there any business direction towards this ?

This was an unexpected response. And unwelcome. I guess I called their baby ugly.

The short answer is that the shell script language is perhaps one of the …

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