Code Kata : "Simple" Database Design

Here's a pretty simple set of use cases for a code-kata database application.

This is largely transactional, not analytical.

It's a simple inventory of ingredients, recipes and locations.


  • 42' sailboat.
  • Lots of places to keep stuff. Lots.

Stuff gets lots or misplaced. It's helpful to marry recipes with ingredients …

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Code Kata : Analyze A Hard Drive

This isn't computer forensics; it's something much simpler.

A colleague has been struck down with a disease (or won the lottery) and won't be back to work any time soon. Worse, they did not use SVN to do daily check-ins. Their laptop has the latest and greatest. As well as …

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Code Kata : Parse USPS ZIP3 table


The USPS ZIP codes have a multi-part structure. The first three digits are a prefix that defines a sectional center facility.

The USPS table L005 3-Digit ZIP Code Prefix Groups—SCF Sortation maps clusters of ZIP3 prefixes to Facility and State codes. The following URL has this table.

http …

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Code Kata : Merge Changes

The Situation

A co-worker has mistakenly cloned a directory tree rather than link to it. Then they made some number of changes to files in that directory.

Your Job

Your job is to compute a directory-level difference between an official copy and the changes they made. Sadly, you can't trivially …

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