Architectural Boundaries: Which Package/Module/Class Owns That Responsibility?

The SOLID design principles beat the design boundary issue to death. Here are the principles in my preferred order. (See

  1. Interface Segregation -- minimize the boundaries. Do this first.
  2. Liskov Substitution -- keep the boundaries consistent. Do this for hierarchies.
  3. Open/Closed -- keep the boundaries stable …
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The Wrong Abstraction Problem

For the last week I've been working with some legacy code that reveals a kind of problem I hadn't really seen before.

I'm calling it the Wrong Abstraction.

I want to contrast this with the Leaky Abstraction, where implementation details are revealed and raise havoc.

The Wrong Abstraction problem seems …

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On the uselessness of Enum -- wait, what?

Had a question about an enumerated set of constant values. "Where do I put these constants?" they asked. It was clear what they wanted. This is another variation on their personal quest which can be called "I want Python to have CONST or Final." It's kind of tedious when a …

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