Innovation Pushed to Vendors

Here's the analysis.

"60 cents of every IT dollar goes to maintaining existing systems". "This increased 'run the business' spending has consumed budget resources that were originally earmarked for more strategic and transformational investment," writes Gartner analyst Jed Rubin.

So, what happens with the "innovation" portion of the budget?

In …

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Why Agile? What's the Point?

TC's full quote was "We consume a significant portion of the overall contract generating a functional specification whose sole use is to serve as the outline for the acceptance test. Those who choose to argue this point might like to explain the recurring customer comment 'You did an excellent job …

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KTLO Management

We wind up in this situation from time to time.

[X] is broken, what will it cost to fix it?
Depends, but put $$$ in your budget.
I can't afford $$$, I can barely afford to Keep The Lights On™!

At this point, the conversation is usually over. There …

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Measurable Improvement

Here's what I observed.

Customer: "Our business performance isn't what we want. We think some of our intranet is no good."

Us: "We'd love to look at it."

Customer: "Not so fast. You can't 'look at it'. You have to propose a measurable change in business performance, define a fixed …

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