Open Source Use Rising

Or so claims SD Times...

The decision process includes: "find a low-cost solution". More importantly, it includes "justify the fees to purchase and for support."

This drives down the cost of software and support for commercial products. It also rationalizes what your buy when …

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Open Source In The News

The Open Source Enterprise article in the November 15th InformationWeek is quite cool. Here's the "wow" quote for me.

Another way that open source code meets current needs is through lighter-weight integration than commercial vendors typically offer. By definition, open source code adheres to publicly approved standards. That means open …
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Open Source and Corporate IT (again)

Someone sent this question to their manager and included me on the CC: list.

"Would you consider tools like Django to quickly build web apps ?"

My suggestion is that a bald query like this can only get on of two possible answers: "No" (and a large number of unsubtle variations …

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My Bias is Showing

Why Python, indeed?

"It's clear that you find it easier and quicker to use Python, and that's fine. It's often quickest for people to use the tools that they know best."

As they say on, "This".

However, the Python advantage doesn't stem from knowing Python better than Java …

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Something Else I Invented

Recently , I found out that my HTML parser was only a mere shadow Beautiful Soup . I invented what is -- essentially -- a similar core structure. I didn't carry it to the same level of completion. From what little research I've done, my invention predates Beautiful Soup.

It's one of those "collective …

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