Semantic Markup -- RST vs. XML

I have very mixed feelings about XML's usability.

An avowed goal of the inventors of XML was "XML documents should be human-legible and reasonably clear." While I like to think that "legible" means usable, I'm feeling that legibility is really a minimal standard; I think it's a polite way of …

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Semantic Markup with Docutils Interpreted Text Roles

A resume is a slippery thing -- a package of semi-structured data.

It has a kind of database-like feel to it, but there are so many exceptions and special cases that the database never works out quite the way you wanted.

For example, I've got -- essentially -- one employer over the past …

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The XML Balancing Act - Part III, JSON (Revised)

Date Tags xml

We have a spectrum of interesting needs, and a corresponding spectrum of solutions. Here's one dimension: the structured-ness view.

  1. Highly structured data.
  2. Semi-structured data, or the "mixed content model". We can further subdivide this into content which is "naturally" hierarchical, and a good fit for XML, and data which is …
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Clarifying XML's Strengths.

Date Tags xml

While there are lame reasons for using XML, there are good reasons also. The good reasons, however, aren't delightfully clear. They seem to be clouded by the lame issues. I'm trying to sort out the best and most logical reasons for using XML.

Here are 8 typically lame reasons for …

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