Agile Methods, Inversion of Control, Emergent Behavior

Date Tags agile

I've run in to some Agility questions recently. Questions that indicate that some people just don't like the Inversion of Control aspect of Agile methods.

We used to call IoC "Emergent Behavior". The system isn't designed from top-down to fill specific use cases. Instead, the system is designed so that …

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Why Agile? What's the Point?

TC's full quote was "We consume a significant portion of the overall contract generating a functional specification whose sole use is to serve as the outline for the acceptance test. Those who choose to argue this point might like to explain the recurring customer comment 'You did an excellent job …

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Problems, problems, problems

Centuries ago -- it seems -- Jim Coplien facilitated a session for us at ChiliPLoP . Eventually, I figured out that patterns are a solution to a problem in a context which resolves various alternative forces, and has some understood consequences. Context - Problem - Forces - Solution - Consequences.

In this month's CACM, the article on …

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