Breaking into Agile

I had a recent conversation with some folks who were desperate to "processize" everything. They were asking about Scrum Master certification and what standards organizations define the "official" Scrum method.

Interestingly, I also saw a cool column in Better Software magazine, called "Scrumdamentalism" on the same basic question.

In my …

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Agile Methods and "Total Cost"

Many folks ask about Agile project planning and total cost. As our internal project managers wrestle with this, there are a lot of questions.

Mostly these questions are rejections of incremental delivery ("All or Nothing") or rejections of flexibility ("Total Total Cost"). We'll look at these rejections in detail.

Traditional …

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Agile Project Management

Got this question recently.

"Any suggestions on PM tools that meet the following considerations

  1. Planning
  2. Estimating
  3. Tracking (allowing both PM input and developer input)
  4. Reporting
  5. Support both Agile and Waterfall projects
  6. Releases
  7. Bug fixes (probably just another type of backlog)"

Agile PM requires far less planning than you're used to …

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I found this note while cleaning up. I think it's a summary of John Cleese's short movie "Meetings Bloody Meetings".

  1. Plan. Why are we meeting? What's the purpose? What are the subjects?
  2. Inform. Tell the attendees what, why and the expected outcome.
  3. Prepare. Create an agenda, with a time line …
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Wishful Thinking -- An Accident Waiting To Happen

Some assumptions are really hard to identify as "assumptions". Some assumptions are more "wishful thinking" than "assumption".

We process a lot of spreadsheets. As far as I'm concerned, the Spreadsheet User Interface (SUI) is a first-class part of any application. Users understand them, and you don't have to code as …

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The First Number Sticks Forever

Two months ago, we looked at some Data Warehouse design information.

It looked like 8 months of work. It might be finished by year-end. Fatal mistake: we gave a "number". Year-end.

We did due diligence, investigating source applications, data marts, subject areas, etc. And, the client delayed their decision-making process …

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