Wishful Thinking -- An Accident Waiting To Happen

Some assumptions are really hard to identify as "assumptions". Some assumptions are more "wishful thinking" than "assumption".

We process a lot of spreadsheets. As far as I'm concerned, the Spreadsheet User Interface (SUI) is a first-class part of any application. Users understand them, and you don't have to code as …

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Failure To Grasp Polymorphism

I've cataloged a third specific case of fundamental failures to understand polymorphism. The first two I've seen a fair number of times. The third seems to be more rare.

1. "How do I determine which subclass an object has?" The Identification problem.

2. "How do I morph an object to …

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Why Is OO So Popular?

"Polymorphism is nice as well, although I can't grok (yet) why this is necessarily not part of non-OO things. I'm not clear that it goes with the strong binding of state and method in a class."

Polymorphism isn't necessarily part of OO. Python actually has polymorphic functions outside of class …

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Essay 12 - Don't Talk to Strangers

There is a Design Pattern, sometimes called "Don't Talk to Strangers" that embodies the OO design principle of "Responsibility Assignment". This pattern can also be called "The Opacity Principle."

Sometimes I like to describe it as "If you don't control it, it's none of your business what's under the hood …

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