Why write Python in Visual Studio?
That what I want to know, too.
IntelliSense? ActiveState Komodo does this. And it does it very well considering the potential complexity of trying to determine what identifiers are possibly valid in a dynamic language.
Debugger? No thanks. I haven't used it yet. [I …
more ...Mocking is essential to unit testing.
It's also annoyingly difficult to get right.
If we aren't 100% perfectly clear on what we're mocking, we will merely canonize any dumb assumptions into mock objects that don't really work. They work in the sense that they don't crash, but they don't …
more ...Folks who don't use Python regularly -- the folks in TechOps, for example -- are acutely aware that the Python 3 language is "different," and the upgrade should be done carefully. They've done their homework, but, they're not experts in everything.
They feel the need to introduce Python 3 slowly and cautiously …
more ...Get Packt's Python Essentials. I think it covers a large number of important topics. Central to this is Python 3.4. The book covers Python 3 with few -- if any -- backward glances. If it makes any mention of Python 2, the reference is strictly derogatory. There isn't even a mention …
more ...I remain captivated by the ideals of Literate Programming. My fork of PyLit (https://github.com/slott56/PyLit-3) coupled with Sphinx seems to handle LP programming in a very elegant way.
It works like this.
Let me gripe about this for a moment.
The use case for this function is limited. Very, very limited.
Every place that this appears (except for one) is going to lead to reusability issues.
Consider some obscure little function, deep within the app.
def deep_within_the_app(x, y, zed …more ...
Or. Why I Hate Windows. For Mac OS X, you download XCode (for free) and you can build anything. For Linux, you use some kind of yum or rpm installer for the developer tools, and you can build anything. For Windows... Pre-built binaries. 😂 And a hope that the version numbers …
more ...The conventional wisdom on class design is to model real-world things. This is the Domain-Driven Design Approach. It's what we used to teach as Rumbaugh's OMT (prior to the Three Amigos creating UML.)
The idea is simple: Look at the real world objects. Describe them. Classes will have attributes and …
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