Sources of Confusion: a "mea culpa" [Updated]

Date Tags #python

I am not patient. I have been dismissed as one who does not suffer fools gladly.

This is a bad attitude, and I absolutely suffer from it. No denials here. I'm aware it limits my ability to help the deeply confused.

My personal failing is not being patient enough to …

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A Comprehensive Introduction to Python

Date Tags #python

Python 101, by Michael Driscoll. 545 pages, available from in a variety of formats. Available soon in hardcover.

The modern Python programming language is a large topic. A book on a programming language has to be seen as a collection of several large topics.

At its core, a …

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Overcoming Incuriosity -- Sailing Over The Horizon

I'm in regular contact with a few folks who seem remarkably incurious. Seem. Perhaps they're curious about something other than software. I don't know. But I do know they're remarkably incurious about software. And are trying to write Python applications. I know some people don't sail out of sight of …

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