Essay 1 - All Software Problems are Large or Complex

All software problems are large or complex as a direct result of the tremendous reuse potential of software. Consider two alternatives:

  • The problem is relatively well understood. Solution: locate an open source or commercial solution and use or adapt that solution.
  • The problem is not well understood. Solution: study enough …
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Essay 20 - Moving the Topsoil

The topsoil is in the front yard, the garden is in the back yard.

The users form up a bucket brigade to use several pails and buckets to move the soil. It's backbreaking and slow, so they go to IT for a solution.

"We've measured the work activity very carefully …

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Building a Web Interface

A Question:

I would like to build a web browser interface that has capabilities like a spreadsheet.

At the same time, would like to use a tool like OpenROAD from Ingres/CA to do this.

It seems that XUL is the way to go but the entire Mozilla thing is …

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