Genius Move -- Characteristic Functions

The comment was eaten by Haloscan, but here's the text...

You need to read Rozhenstein on characteristic functions.

sum(case when a < .5 then 1 else 0 end) 'A'
,sum(case when a >= .5 and a < .75 then 1 else 0 end) 'B'
,sum(case when a >= .75 then …
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User Interface Testing

The question seemed simple, which testing framework is the simplest? The situation is complex. There's a web application, there are developers and there are testers. The developers develop, and the testers test. So far, not so complex.

Here's the complexity. The testers are pretty focused on manual point-and-click testing. They …

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Another Dimensional Model Implementation

The Cubulus project and Alexandru Toth 's page describe an "OLAP Aggregation Engine". It is very nice to see advanced work done on the dimensional model.

The cited research dates from 1999 (V. Markl, F. Ramsak, R. Bayer, "Improving OLAP Performance by Multidimensional Hierarchical Clustering", Proceedings of the Intl. Database …

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What a Data Warehouse Can Never Do

In one form, the question is "How do we handle the [X] transaction in the warehouse?" Another form of the question is "What do we do when [Y] changes?" The third form is less clear, but essentially the same: "How do we maintain [Z] in the warehouse?"

All of these …

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Refactoring and Unit Testing

I do a fair amount of manual refactoring. I've used WebSphere Studio (Eclipse) to do some automated refactoring, so I have some experience in using IDE's which exploit Java's static type-checking.

However, the question of type checking in a dynamic language is interesting. I don't use a sophisticated IDE for …

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