More Python Quirks Debunking

Stuff I found on the internet that I have to disagree with.

(And no, I didn't ask for clarification. If the author posts things without supporting details it suggests they might lack the supporting details. I can be charitable and assume they don't really care about providing useful information, but …

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Behave Tests and Fixtures


Behave fixtures totally rock for testing complex applications.

I had been doing them wrong. Doing them right is simpler.


I'm a fan of the Gherkin language for specifying the behavior of software.

Scenario: Works for Me

Given a configuration
When a request is made
Then the response can …
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The Schema Evolution Problem

Fundamentally, we need to provide explicit version identification on a schema. This is technically easy, but organizationally nearly impossible.

Technically, we need to use some kind of version control software for our model and the resulting DDL. We need some meta-meta-data to track schema names and version numbers. If we …

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Denormalization or "What did you mean by that?"

I use the word denormalization heavily, to make a point to a certain class of developers. Other developers object to the term, since it doesn't have a precise meaning.

The point I often have to make this:

  1. 3rd Normal Form is for Updates.
  2. Data Warehousing is about Insert and Select …
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