Link Rot and Editing

As noted in Finished Moving: Lessons Learned link rot is real.

Links vanish.

I've got 23 ancient (2004 to 2006, ancient) posts with clearly broken links. These are easy to identify because the service vanished years ago.

The tricky part is figuring out of there's any content worth preserving. In …

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DZone's lack of a Python Zone

Check out DZone's Coding zone: Hover over the "Coding" drop-down menu.

Notice anything lacking?

I'll give you a hint: Python.

They have "Frameworks", "Java", "Javascript", "Languages" and "Tools".

The "Languages" seems to be general programming, and the posts include Java, JavaScript and numerous other languages.

Let's …

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Permutations, Combinations and Frustrations

The issue of permutations and combinations is sometimes funny.

Not funny weird. But, funny "haha."

I received an email with 100's of words and 10 attachments. (10. Really.) The subject was how best to enumerate 6! permutations of something or other. With a goal of comparing some optimization algorithm with …

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Here's how to recognize a Faerie Dust request:

  1. We have identified a problem. It can be with almost anything: scalability, reliability, auditability, any Quality Measure.
  2. We're pursuing a specific technology. Typically, something that has the lowest impact on our architecture.
  3. We can't address anything other than this specific technology variation …
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