Parallelism, Concurrency and Pipelines (Updated)

A taxonomy of pipeline alternatives is a big, hairy deal, involving lots of alternatives. While your basic API methods are relatively few in number, each language and platform introduces new options. Without some focus, it's challenging to produce a big, fluffy description of all potential alternatives.

However, the interesting thing …

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SOA: Cheaper? Simpler?

My experience is that an SOA has the potential to be cheaper and simpler. However, cheaper and simpler may not be the only value proposition.

Kontrawize says: "there is only something to gain with SOA for the parts of your software that genuinely have re-usable functionality, and are expected to …

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Problems, problems, problems

Centuries ago -- it seems -- Jim Coplien facilitated a session for us at ChiliPLoP . Eventually, I figured out that patterns are a solution to a problem in a context which resolves various alternative forces, and has some understood consequences. Context - Problem - Forces - Solution - Consequences.

In this month's CACM, the article on …

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