How to Avoid Problem-Solving

One of the best ways to avoid problem solving is to treat the problem as fluff. Often, our users begin the conversation with this assumption, and we play along. Other times, we make this choice because we're just too lazy (or negligent) to make an effort.

Here's how it plays …

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Is it Over-Solving or Exploiting Technology?

Here's a snip from a comment:

"... over-solving the problem is writing a bunch of custom code (the file readers and writers) when there is already a perfectly good mechanism available for all of the persistence, reliability, repeatability and scalability issues. To me, if my application has already been designed to …
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Faerie Dust™

Here's how to recognize a Faerie Dust request:

1. We have identified a problem. It can be with almost anything: scalability, reliability, auditability, any Quality Measure .

2. We're pursuing a specific technology. Typically, something that has the lowest impact on our architecture.

3. We can't address anything other than this …

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Office is Bloated, Let's Add More

"There has been a lot of skepticism about the usefulness--and necessity--of the Ribbon, and I have to admit that I was among the doubters. Why change something that works? Because, according to Microsoft, the current interface has become bloated with too many menus."

Ugh. It's bloated, so we'll add features …

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Notable Failure of Use Cases - Part 4

I recently reviewed some end user-authored use cases, and they -- of course -- reflect the way people actually work. The computer system was largely incidental to what they did.

Each use case listed half a dozen actors, had a dozen or more steps, and involved many off-line interactions among the actors …

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