Python and Reverse Engineering, Part 1

Python is Batteries Included ™ programming. These analysis tools are either Python Out Of the Box , or they are straight-forward downloads of other open-source components.

Here are some analytical situations where Python has saved my bacon. I'll present some code for several of these.

  1. Legacy Data Domains. There are legacy (in …
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IT's Drive to Self-Destruction

My approach to preventing IT insignificance begins with firing the good programmers, since they're saddled with low-value work to begin with. In order to see what that means, let's look at the three phases of an IT organization's collapse to irrelevance. Then we'll see why some specific reorganization steps can …

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More of the Open Source Value Proposition

Binstock does a quick compare and contrast between Ruby and NetRexx, showing how an active community promoted Ruby, and NetRexx's lack of a community left it languishing. I think that this analysis is only partly true, and misses part of the value of open source.

Specifically, IBM's proprietary NetRexx can't …

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Google vs. the Herd

My thesis is that CIO's are herd animals, making purchasing decisions based on the perceived direction of the herd. They sense this through Gartner research reports. There are many competitors, but Gartner is the name-brand.

If Gartner signals a shift in the herd, then alternatives may become interesting. How will …

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