Dev of the Week Yes. Everyone is famous for 15 minutes. And. "On the Web, everyone will be famous to fifteen people."
more ... Yes. Everyone is famous for 15 minutes. And. "On the Web, everyone will be famous to fifteen people."
more ...Visit Packt Publishing today for the $5 eBook Bonanza.
eBooks and videos at a discount through something like the 6th of January.
We autodidacts are rejoicing.
Specifically, I can look at some of the Scala and Hadoop titles. I'm working with folks who have Hadoop but …
more ...How does one get started developing software? What's the first step?
When you come to this craft -- or sullen art -- without a background except as a user, how do you get started writing code?
It's not easy. Indeed, developing software may be one the hardest things there is. Really, really …
more ...I'm working on yet another Python book. This one looking at functional programming in Python. It doesn't really go with with Mastering Object-Oriented Python and Python for Secret Agents because the focus isn't on Python's strong suit.
In chapter one, a reviewer had this two-word question: "yield from?"
What? What …
more ...I've now got my actual souvenir hard-copies of my two Packt books So far, so good. I've got one more title in the works. After that, I think I'll have to take a small break and do some …
more ... I'm a pretty good public speaker. But I've avoided webcasting and podcasting because it's kind of daunting. In a smaller venue, the audience members are right there, and you can tell if you're not making sense. In a webcast, the feedback will be …
more ...Old. But still interesting. Partial Function Application is not Currying It seems like hair-splitting. However, the distinction between bound variables and curried functions does have some practical implications. I'm looking closely at PyMonad and the built-in functools library. I'm finding some benefits in understanding functional programming and how to apply …
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