The Power of Static HTML

Date Tags web / cms


I need to display my product catalog according to a number of dimensions but the data changes slowly and isn't very complex. Is a relational database and a web application really appropriate? Or can I get away with something simpler?


Some small product catalogs evolve slowly. A detailed …

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Notable Failure of Use Cases - Part 2


The company, H, is a large, well-established financial services firm. In order to meet regulatory reporting requirements, they elected to build a data warehouse that would integrate information from 40 applications to feed an application that would produce the regulatory reports.

H put together a team of business analysts …

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Here are three additional levels of numerology that just don't belong the discipline of software architecture.

Empiricism. Ideally these are from Physics and related "hard" sciences. Psychology or Economics are "hard" sciences in the other sense of hard -- they're difficult because of the subject matter. The magic number 7 ± 2 …

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Notable Failure of Use Cases


The company, W, is an e-business startup with a successful, profitable business operation. They were using a mixture of PCs and small servers from various sources to conduct business. They had a base of customers, a positive cash-flow and investment dollars.

W contacted two large software and services companies …

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One More Cool Thing About Python Is...

So, confronted with 1.4M records of questionable data, what do we do?

  1. We'll need a production program that can run daily from now until the end of time to cleanse the data and reject the truly evil records.
  2. We don't have a good fix on what the data is …
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Object Modeling (Revised)


To write software, we need to understand what we're doing. We need to have a well-defined universe of discourse. This understanding must be documented. The documentation proceeds through increasingly refined levels of documentation.

  1. English prose.
  2. Diagrams and other semi-formal notations.
  3. Formal notations (BNF, IDL, Java, etc.)

Sometimes, the first …

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The deployment document describes an installation of the system, with specific host names and addresses. This document is the last of the formal deliverables, and forms the basis for an operator's or user's guide.

The deployment follows successful implementation of the design, based on the architecture and requirements.



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An implementation document is prepared along with the software to present the packaging and component structure, including visible interfaces of components. This shows the structure of the final deliverables, and describes the files, databases and other persitent features of the system. This document will also identify all third-party components used …

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How does Python stack up?

PJHyett asks

Why is it that selling points of newer langauges are features that Lisp had decades ago? Java has garbage collection, Ruby has closures, Perl is dynamically typed, etc. What the hell have we been doing this whole time besides reinventing the wheel?

Call me lazy, but I want …

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