How to Learn

A recent question.

i came up with two options.

1. building skills 1 (+ other references)... then algorithms & data structures.... then your books 2 & 3


2. your three books 1,2 & 3... then algo & ds kindly help me decide so i can start soon.

I have two pieces of advice …

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VMware, VIX and PyVIX2

The topic of VMware came up at my local 757 Python Users Group.

A common administrative need is to control VM farms. While there are a number of pointy-clicky GUI tools, VMware offers the VIX library to permit writing scripts to control VM's.

Here's some information we looked at recently …

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The Agile "Religion" -- What?


"it seems that software development has caught the agile religion. Personally, I have an issue w/ being unimodal."


First. "agile religion". As in the deprecating statement: Agile is nothing more than a religion? As in Agile is nothing more than a vague religious practice with no tangible value …

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Command Line Applications

I'm old -- I admit it -- and I feel that command-line applications are still very, very important. Linux, for example, is packed full of almost innumerable command-line applications. In some cases, the Linux GUI tools are specifically just wrappers around the underlying command-line applications.

For many types of high-volume data processing …

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The Politics of Estimating

Computerworld, September 12, page 10.

MicroburstIT Disasters According to a study of 1,471 big IT projects, 15% turn out to be money pits, with cost overruns averaging 200%.

How is this a politically-charged statement? We hear this kind of thing all the time.

As developers (or project leaders …

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