Yet More Praise for Unit Tests

I can't say enough good things about TDD.

But I'll try.

Due to an epic failure to read the documentation (this, specifically) I couldn't get our RESTful web services to work in Apache.

The entire application system has pretty good test coverage. I use the Python unittest to do integration …

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REST and HTTP Digest Authentication

It seems so simple: use the HTTP Digest Authorization with the Quality of Protection set to "auth".

It's an easy algorithm. A nonce that encodes a timestamp can be used to be sure no one is attempting to cache credentials. It's potentially very, very nice.

Except for one thing: Apache …

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Ways to Complicate Use Case Analysis

I sat through a great use case analysis session recently.

"Great" because I saw lots of ways to derail a simple process. Eventually, we did identify a couple of actors and a couple of use cases. But it took hours and hours.

Bonus: this was the third go-round on these …

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iPad Thoughts -- Fashion Accessory?

From a Blog that's inside a company's firewall, so this had to be heavily edited.

"The instant ON is a relief. The full page touch screen works just like on the iPhone - only better. Web pages look great.. Photographs and Movies are fabulous. The screen resolution is fantastic. Sharing pictures …
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