Yet More Praise for Unit Tests

I can't say enough good things about TDD.

But I'll try.

Due to an epic failure to read the documentation (this, specifically) I couldn't get our RESTful web services to work in Apache.

The entire application system has pretty good test coverage. I use the Python unittest to do integration …

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REST and HTTP Digest Authentication

It seems so simple: use the HTTP Digest Authorization with the Quality of Protection set to "auth".

It's an easy algorithm. A nonce that encodes a timestamp can be used to be sure no one is attempting to cache credentials. It's potentially very, very nice.

Except for one thing: Apache …

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Ways to Complicate Use Case Analysis

I sat through a great use case analysis session recently.

"Great" because I saw lots of ways to derail a simple process. Eventually, we did identify a couple of actors and a couple of use cases. But it took hours and hours.

Bonus: this was the third go-round on these …

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iPad Thoughts -- Fashion Accessory?

From a Blog that's inside a company's firewall, so this had to be heavily edited.

"The instant ON is a relief. The full page touch screen works just like on the iPhone - only better. Web pages look great.. Photographs and Movies are fabulous. The screen resolution is fantastic. Sharing pictures …
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Dumb Info Security

A truly great question came up the other day.

"Why change passwords every 90 days? What is the threat scenario countered by that policy?"

Of course strong password policy means constantly changing passwords. Right?

Then I started to think about it. What -- actually -- does a password change protect you against …

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