C#, Microsoft and Hegemony

First, I've had some opinions on this "one language" ideal After PERL what?. We have a variety of languages for a good reason: the languages express different kinds of things. Shell command languages really have little to do with markup languages, database manipulation languages or "general-purpose" programming languages.

One of …

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Agile Testing Goodies from PyCon 2006

A number of testing frameworks were used. The Agile Testing tutorial provides a path through the toolsets, showing what you can do, and how you should do it.

Unit Testing: [Nose ], <{filename}/blog/2005/11/2005_11_09-compare_and_contrast_round_3_revised.rst>

Acceptance Testing: [FitNesse ]

Regression Testing: [TextTest ]

Functional Testing: [twill ]. A thorough analysis is …

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Rat-holes of Lost Time

Much of software development is best described as "problem-solving". Much of the rest, BTW, is knowledge capture.

When we look at the time spent on problem solving we can see four potential outcomes.

  1. Time is spent producing a viable solution to the actual problem.
  2. Time is spent producing a non-solution …
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Don't Pave the Cowpaths

In it, Bruce Silver recollects process reengineering gurus who warned "Don't pave the cowpaths!". Presumably because the cow path was a random walk all over the pasture land, and wasn't the most efficient course.

However, anyone who was watched cows at work will tell you that the cow path is …

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Opacity and Perl

In my case, the opacity of Perl actually wasn't entirely my opinion. I was contacted by folks that were struggling with Perl. In one case, they specifically lifted up the opacity problem. "If my partner gets hit by the bus, I can't maintain these web sites."

In the other case …

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Control Break Reporting


This referred to the old Active State Programmers Network, ASPN, Python Cookbook. The code has been moved to the ActiveState Code site. Likely, the fact that it's Python 2 means it is no longer online.

Control Break Reporting is a design pattern that has been around since the earliest …

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After Perl, what? (Revised)

The Problem

Perl's old. And Perl is without shame about adopting every syntax gimmick on earth. Consequently, Perl has accreted enough features that Perl programs are hard to read, making them impossible to maintain. More thoughts on this opacity problem in Gadgetopia http://www.gadgetopia.com/post/1919 and Freshmeat …

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Stating the Problem

In principle, stating a problem is a trivial exercise: someone can't do something. It can be made wonderfully complex, however. The root cause of the complexity could be a fundamental unwillingness to state the problem without including technology hints like "database" or "hierarchy" or "project management" or "change control".

Context …

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